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Month: February 2022

Trapeze with feathers, sans safety net



Anyone who pays close attention to small birds surely cannot fail to marvel at their hyperactivity, their agility, and how radically and swiftly their appearance changes.

From one nanosecond to the next, the very same individual can appear remarkably different in shape, colour, size…and attitude.

All photos feature New Holland Honeyeaters attending the very same Grevillea, adjacent to the eastern wall of a house in Walpole, in Western Australia’s “Deep South”.


Feeding, Flaunting, Foaming, Forest-walking – Deep South WA



This post is a teaser: each subject of its four photographs will soon be explored further, in its own particular post.

All photos copyright Doug Spencer, taken in February 2022.

The first two images were both taken just a few steps outside of the house in which we stayed in Walpole.

Above, feeding, (& probably pollinating the Grevillea) is a New Holland Honeyeater Phylidonyris novaehollandiae.

Immediately below, flaunting, is a male Splendid Fairy-wren Malurus splendens.

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Word Power: “Is Old Music Killing New Music?”


This post’s headline is the name of an excellent, albeit US-centric & Western “pop”-centric, article by Ted Gioia.

As he notes:

The song catalogs in most demand are by musicians who are in their 70s or 80s (Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Bruce Springsteen) or already dead (David Bowie, James Brown).

This post’s photo is a reminder that in 2022 the “Music Biz” also resolutely ignores much of the world’s remarkable “old” music…

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