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Month: January 2025

Grand sands (#20 in series: Aldinga Beach – “suburban” strand, but grand)



By car or bus, the pictured location is circa 45 kilometres south of Adelaide’s CBD.

If you avoid rush hours, a car trip from the heart of Adelaide to Aldinga Beach can take just 45 minutes.

Aldinga Beach is definitely not “just yet more of Adelaide’s dispiriting, seemingly never-ending sprawl”; it has well-protected natural bushland, a large number of resident ‘roos, reefs onto which one can walk, at low tide…and glorious beaches.

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Grand sands (#19 in series: just east of Anvil Beach)


Anvil Beach sits at the end of the Nullaki Peninsula, just east of where Irwin Inlet (sometimes) meets Southern Ocean.

It is one of the more “choice” of many wild and wonderful beaches on Western Australia’s south coast.

The proverbial crow – flying in from Denmark, not many kilometres distant, to the northwest – could reach Anvil Beach in just a few minutes.

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Grand sands (#18 in series: lively exoskeleton, on the Skeleton Coast)



Today’s chapter in this series’  “wet sands” section features a fast-scuttling crab, on a northern Namibian beach,

Here,  rain hardly ever falls, but fogs often roll in from the cold Atlantic Ocean, and thence into the western section  of the Namib Desert.

Q: a terrible place to be shipwrecked?

A: yes…but this shoreline is far from “lifeless”.

The waters that lap it teem with life; human population density is among the lowest on “our” planet, but the local seafood is abundant and excellent.

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