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Category: Cockatoos

“Red-tails in suburbia” (#12 in series)



If you only ever saw black cockatoos in flight, or eating,  you could be unaware that their head feathers are “convertible”.

Thus engaged, the tops of their heads are smooth –  an uninterrupted continuation from the back of the birds’ backs.

However, once a black cockatoo has a good look around, or is “socialising” whilst his or her feet are locked onto something solid….voila!

Suddenly, you are looking at a crested bird.

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“Red-tails in suburbia” (#7 in series)


Not least among Forest red-tailed black cockatoos’ qualities is their sheer zest.

A capacity to relish being alive is, I think, unevenly distributed between individuals within a species…and between different species/subspecies.

This capacity is often spectacularly evident in Calyptorhynchus banksii naso.

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