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Category: Australia (not WA)

Shallow Inlet trilogy (1 of 3 consecutive posts)

Today’s, tomorrow’s and the final chapter’s single images were all taken within one half-hour, late on the afternoon of October 25, 2018.

On their “journey” from first to third photo my feet took only a few steps, on a single, nigh-horizontal strand, in almost-unchanging weather and light.

However, if you bend your knees, turn your head a little, and/or change your camera’s focus and/or focal length, one place and circumstance can yield three very different “worlds”.

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Word power: on “invasive species”

According to an alarming recent article in the Australian edition of The Guardian, Australia is “losing the fight” against invasive species.

It quotes scientists who claim that the “invaders”  pose a greater threat to Australia’s native species than does climate change.

(so, you may ask, “why on earth does the image atop this Pelican Yoga post depict an Australian native species which is clearly flourishing?”)

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