…is in the other Grampians, in western Victoria, Australia.
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According to the first such detailed study/guesstimate, a relative newcomer to our ancient land kills more than one million Australian birds, each day.
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I was born in the middle of the sea…
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Photos copyright Doug Spencer, all taken late afternoon on June 10. Best viewed after first seeing an earlier post’s “not a shark“.
Comments closedWhen is a “huge shark” not a shark at all?
One CommentThis post’s photos were all taken in November 2016, after “Australia Felix” had enjoyed its best winter rains in many years.
One CommentIn Australia wonderful wildlife experiences can be had, even before you walk off your doorstep, deck or verandah.
All photos in this post were taken from or on the deck of a very nice holiday house in Nelson, southwesternmost Victoria.
One CommentNot yet on many visitors’ “radar” is Melbourne’s Royal Botanic Gardens’ very different but equally rewarding “other half”, 45 kilometres southeast of the CBD.
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