The name is a “terminological inexactitude”- Ninety Mile Beach is “only” 88 kilometres long – but it is huge, and beautiful.
One CommentCategory: New Zealand
Uttterly fearless too! Meet Petroica longipes – New Zealand’s North Island robin.
Comments closedGreetings from the Shaky Isles, where volcanic performance is of a higher order than nuncle Vodafone’s portable wi-fi.
Comments closedAs alleged in related post, Doubtful Sound was even more glorious, the next morn. Photos copyright Doug Spencer, all taken April 15, 2015.
2 CommentsOne of the most glorious places on earth, Doubtful Sound was even lovelier the next morning…as you will see, eventually, in this post’s sequel.
Comments closedThanks to Sir Peter Jackson, many millions more human eyes have looked at this active volcano than have human feet walked anywhere near it. Most who “know” it via The Lord of the Rings trilogy do not even know its real name.
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