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Category: nature and travel

Alaska (1): just behind Juneau – an amazing, short walk

Start in Juneau’s tourist-kitsch-horror-show waterfront. Ascend 1,800 feet/550 metres in 5 minutes, via Mt Roberts Tramway. Admire the view down into the fiord – and above it, as pictured above. Relatively speaking, you ain’t seen nothing, yet!  Yes, you really should walk up to the top of the ridge behind you…

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Yogic Pelicans infiltrate Australia’s largest naval base


….and a cold-hearted hypocrite gets his come-uppance.  With poetic justice, this master of cover-up goes “viral”,  thanks to his attempt to censor. (and – as just updated, at bottom of post – he’s since had a second, more substantive come-uppance)

Pelicans first…

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Kimberley Coast (2): Berkeley River (2)


This is a sequel to Berkeley River (1).  Again, all photos are my own; I took the above one a few metres from the base of an allegedly “unnamed” waterfall, looking to the clifftops on the river’s opposite side.

The one below was taken just after lunch, when the sun hit the “sweet spot” at the top of the waterfall.

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