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Category: Western Australia

Pelican power (“Lake Monger 01.01.2022” series finale)


The wing’s shape is such that it can push effectively against the air, and also generate lift as it moves forwards, but that is no use without a very powerful downstroke to capture the air in the first place, and this is where muscular strength comes in.

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This chick is not fluffy/cuddly/cute… (#3 in “Lake Monger, 01.01.22” series)

If you did not already know what this chick looks like, you would likely find it difficult to guess what is its particular (common) species.

If a magician were to combine and animate a mangled wire bush, an old and charred small Banksia spike, a dash of cotton wool and an overripe cherry tomato, the result would likely resemble this post’s critter.

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Stealth, in the open (#2 in “Lake Monger, 01.01.22” series)


Not every predatory stalker relies on cover and/or camouflage.

Today’s very elegant hunter is easily seen, even by inattentive humans.

A Great Egret relies on stillness and focus…and the very sudden deployment of his/her neck, head and beak.

An egret’s “lethal end” is analogous to a speargun.


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