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Category: Western Australia

Karri forest: macrofungi in winter


Southwestern Western Australia is rightly renowned for the extraordinary diversity of its flowering plants.

Its fungi are even more diverse.

Fungi species comprehensively outnumber the combined total of plant and animal species.

Macrofungi are the ones with fruiting bodies big enough to be visible to an observant, naked human eye, in the wild.

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Favourite forest – Warren National Park


This post’s featured colour photo (copyright Doug Spencer) was taken just four minutes before – and from almost the same vantage point – as the immediately preceding post’s monochrome image.

I have been lucky enough to walk in many different kinds of forest, on six continents and various islands.

All are beautiful, in many different ways, but if I had to choose a favourite, it would be so-called “virgin Karri forest”.

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Mélodie au crépuscule (#67 in “a shining moment” series)


The pictured twilight is in a beautiful part of Australia’s southwest – a so-called “valley” which many people repeatedly drive past without ever seeing, as they rush further “down south”…to “Marg’s”.

Mélodie au crépuscule is a beautiful composition which was NOT composed by Django Reinhardt.

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“Timeless” 2 (#64 in “a shining moment” series)


This is a sequel to yesterday’s post, which addressed the very same tree and the same tune.

This post’s photo was taken a very few minutes after yesterday’s, in essentially the same conditions; “today’s” bark also sits on the lower trunk, and is less than a metre distant from “yesterday’s”.

The particular quartet responsible for “today’s” performance is a splendid foursome who never existed as a regular unit, nor ever made a studio album, as such.

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“Timeless” 1 (#63 in “a shining moment” series)


In one sense, absolutely nothing is timeless, most especially living things.

In another sense, however, many things are timeless –  no matter how many times we see or hear or feel them, some things always reward our attention.

Today’s post and tomorrow’s post address the same, individual tree, and the same piece of music, with its composer present on both (different) occasions.

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The Wind (#60 in “a shining moment” series)


Tomorrow, Western Australia’s west coast is expected to experience a “once in ten years” storm event, with winds that could gust to 130 kilometres per hour.

Today’s photo shows a much gentler day in a beautiful south coastal WA place, but it still shows how wind – especially salt-bearing wind – shapes, sculpts and prunes.

Musically, today’s venues are in Tokyo and Bahia.

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Weeping, in the middle of the road (#50 in “a shining moment” series)


Literally speaking, the middle of the road is usually dangerous, and soulless.

Metaphorically speaking, “M.O.R” signifies music, visual art or literature that is bland, dull, pedestrian.

This post’s actual middle of a road is, however, “safe” only in the desirable sense, and its musical content is highly creative, very playful.

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