A readily accessible natural wonder … which few human eyes have seen.
Comments closedCategory: photographs
Some local tourist promoters and “official” signage falsely claim that marimo live nowhere else.
However, eastern Hokkaido’s Lake Akan is the best place to see them.
Akan has by far the largest known examples of this rare and astonishing algal form…and the lake and its surrounds are beautiful in their own right.
2 CommentsIts decoration “speaks clearly”, but only in one place, in northern Japan.
Pelican Yoga will reveal all, later this week.
There is a clue today, below.
Comments closedIts paradoxical nature is nowhere more spectacularly evident than at Second Valley – a South Australian “secret”…and a geological marvel.
One Comment16.12.2017 was a pleasant South Australian summer day.
At dusk, the sky over Aldinga Bay foreshadowed today’s unpleasantly hot weather.
When I downloaded this image, the cybergods surprised me, twice.
2 Comments…with emblematic assistance/assistants from Bremer Bay, in the Deep South…of Western Australia.
One Comment…is in the other Grampians, in western Victoria, Australia.
Comments closedBest viewed after chapter one.
This post’s “stars” are named after terrestrial flowering plants, but sea anemones are carnivorous animals.
One Comment(almost certainly, you will be surprised to discover where I took this post’s photos)
Unstructured, unsupervised time for play is one of the most important things we have to give back to kids if we want them to be strong and happy and resilient.