When is a “huge shark” not a shark at all?
One CommentCategory: photographs
…can prove profoundly disillusioning. It can also be wonderful, as it was yesterday. If you are reading this in or near Melbourne, before the night of Thursday June 8, you ought seize your first (almost certainly, only) opportunity to experience the Carla Bley Trio on Australian soil.
One Comment…and if it is Room 1316 at the Yumoto Ginsen-kaku, you just might see a view like this one.
Comments closed…and many other glorious things and places, including this beautiful lake. It is a “drowned” caldera.
One CommentCherry Blossom time is all over in Tokyo, but in cooler Hokkaido Spring is still unfolding, not all trees are yet in leaf, and it is prime time for Cherry Blossoms.
Comments closedKamikochi is a very beautiful valley in the “northern Alps” of the Japanese Alps.
One CommentA surprise/shock awaits any whale-protecting nation’s citizen who strolls through Tokyo’s Ueno Park and happens upon Japan’s National Museum of Nature and Science.
Comments closedMy favourite wine “product description”, as spotted yesterday in Kamikochi in the northern Japanese Alps.
One CommentThe caption summarises Gio-ji temple, as I and my beloved enjoyed it, uncrowded, two days ago.
Someone else, on Trip Advisor, headlined his post, Disappointing, many better temples in Kyoto.
One CommentThis chapter looks at temporarily dry land. Chapter two – coming up in November – looks at softer things that cannot survive quite as far away from the low tide line.
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