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Category: photographs

Triple K “expedition” (#32 in teaser series: Hunza Valley)



Among “our” planet’s “settled” places,  the Hunza Valley has very few peers in the “visual splendour” department!

It will get a deal of future attention, here.

However, this “teaser” series has just the one Hunza Valley image.

I took it from Eagle’s Nest which sits 2,850 metres ASL – around 500 metres higher than the (clearly-visible) Hunza River, on the valley floor.

Dominating the photo’s skyline is Rakaposhi; that huge mountain’s peak stands nearly five kilometres taller than the Eagle’s Nest.

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Triple K “expedition” (#31 in teaser series: Karakoram mountain meadows + musical bonus & concert tour alert)



This post’s image does not at all resemble #30’s shot of a “Silk Road” remnant.

Its vantage point, however, was only a few footsteps distant from #30’s; #31’s photo was taken less than a minute later, from the same side of the Karakoram Highway, whilst en route from Gilgit to the Hunza Valley.

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Triple K “expedition” (#30 in teaser series: “Silk Road” remnant)



Just a couple of minutes after our “welcome” to the “home” of an emblematic but “invisible” mammal (see immediately-previous post) we looked up from the Karakoram Highway, and over to the far side of the gorge through which we driving.

There, in plain but inconspicuous view: a section of a much older road.

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Triple K “expedition” (#29 in teaser series: emblematic, elusive)



The Karakoram Highway is surely the most visually spectacular major road, anywhere.

On 20 May 2024, we were proceeding along part of it, en route from Gilgit to the Hunza Valley.

At 11.26 am – circa one hour out of Gilgit – the pictured sign welcomed us to the “home” of Pakistan’s national animal.

The markhor is often described as the world’s largest wild goat.

In terms of average body mass and length, that claim is probably incorrect.

However, an “average” male markhor’s shoulder height exceeds all other goats’ “average” shoulders

So, Capra falconeri  probably is the world’s most imposing goat.

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Triple K “expedition” (#28 in teaser series: Gilgit, relatively “big smoke”)

Above, you are looking at “downtown” Gilgit.

“Official” statistics – and guesstimates – for anywhere in northern Pakistan are highly “rubbery”, contradictory, and often very out of date.

Almost certainly, Gilgit is the Karakoram region’s largest city, with a population of circa 200,000…ish.

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Triple K “expedition” (#27 in teaser series: inevitability, uncertainty & contrast)


If this post’s two photos were “the only available evidence”, you could assume – reasonably – that they were taken from vantage points far distant from each other.

In fact, the image below was taken less than sixty seconds after the one above, with the very same lens.

Above, I was looking across a Karakoram valley’s floor to the mountains on the far side

For the image below I had turned my head 180 degrees, shuffled my feet accordingly,  then looked straight up the nearby, steep, stark, but seemingly more modest slope… our proximity to the relevant ridge (atop which the boulder perched) would have enabled it to “hide” any higher ground behind it.

As you can see, an “accident” was waiting to happen…

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Triple K “expedition” (#26 in teaser series: an older resident of Markunja)





A few minutes later, the pictured gentleman walked out of the mosque’s courtyard and into the village’s main road/through street.

Clearly, he was someone for whom other villagers “looked out”.

I saw a shopkeeper welcome him,  and make him a cup of tea; no money changed hands.

All photos in this series are “candid”; I dislike photos of people who are “mugging” for the camera/ “smiling”, on demand. (and I detest “selfies”)

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Triple K “expedition” (#25 in teaser series: young residents of Markunja)




The astonishing/vertiginous/stark/dramatic local landscapes are not the only reason that most visitors to northernmost Pakistan fall in love with Gilgit-Baltistan.

The unspoilt local humans are special, too.

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Triple K “expedition” (#23 in teaser series: Haldi village)



Haldi village is a “modest” one, in a “remote” valley in northern Pakistan.

Surely one of the world’s most spectaculary-sited settlements, Haldi sits above the Shyok’s vast riverbed…and immediately below the Haldi Cones.

The Karakoram has many considerably higher mountains, but it is not hard to understand why more than a few people regard the Haldi Cones as the most spectacular  – at least among Karakoram peaks which a visitor can see, “up close”, without having to embark on a demanding, high-altitude trek.

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Triple K “expedition” (#22 in teaser series: arrival in Khaplu)



Just before 5.30 pm on 15 May 2024 we reached Khaplu, where we would stay two nights in an unforgettable hotel.

Superbly “restored” (and not overly-restored) this century, “the original” was built in the 19th century, as the local royal palace and fort.

Food was excellent, our “rustic” rooms were both lovely and comfortable, electricity supply was a tad erratic, hospitality was warm, and there was a beautiful garden, immediately in front of our room.

The grandeur of the surrounding landscape was almost beyond belief.

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