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Category: photographs

October 30 2023: Darling Range flora, “up close” (#15 in series)


This post’s photos were all taken on 30 October 2023, when the sun was high in an unclouded West Australian sky.

Each picture looks more-or-less straight down at the harshly-lit ground in so-called “northern Jarrah forest”, circa 60 kilometres southeast of Perth.

Much of this forest/woodland (this bit included) is in reality definitely-not-virgin, mixed forest/woodland, typically co-dominated by jarrah and marri trees, or by wandoo.

Even within a small, walkable area – as is the case here – the apparent “richness” or “poverty” of the forest floor is hugely variable, depending on precisely where one is standing and on what is going on at the particular time, within any particular year.

”Exactly the same place” can appear “utterly unlike itself”, from one time to another.

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October 30 2023: Darling Range flora, “up close” (#14 in series, with musical bonus & Australian tour alert)




One of the nigh-infinite pleasures of walking in southwestern Australian forest/woodland/bush:

once “attuned”, you begin to notice that the “forest floor” – when viewed at or near ground level, up close – often looks like a multi-layered, uncommonly-colourful “forest”, in its own right.

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October 30 2023: Darling Range flora, “up close” (#11 in series)



In this episode no flowers are readily visible, but its heroes are flowering plants.

Their genus has circa 700 species and its tallest members are “our” planet’s tallest flowering plants.

Most Eucalyptus species call Australia home, although many now flourish – some of them rather too well – on every other human-inhabited continent.

They dominate most Australian forests and woodlands.

Wandoo woodlands exist only in certain parts of Australia’s southwest.

No matter how well-travelled, persons lucky enough to have experienced wandoo woodland tend to regard it as something unique and highly likeable…notwithstanding the “unhappy” fact that ticks are also partial to it.

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October 30 2023: Darling Range flora, “up close” (#10 in series)


I am almost certain that today’s hero is a fellow member of the genus Patersonia, but not the same species as those in #7 through #9 in this series.

To me, it remains a UFO – an unknown flowering organism.

If you can positively identify it, I’d be glad to be enlightened, and would then update this post.

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October 30 2023: Darling Range flora, “up close” (#9 in series)



This post features this series’ closest views of “purple flags”…with a gnat included, at no extra cost.

Not all “flags” are purple, but the flowers of most members of the Patersonia genus incline to purple. (the exceptions incline to yellow or white)

Patersonia are members of the iris family; most species are endemic to Australia, and the majority are WA-endemic.

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October 30 2023: Darling Range flora, “up close” (#7 in series)



Most of southwest Western Australia has a very extreme version of a so-called “Mediterranean” climate.

There are huge variations from one year (or sequence of several years) to another.

However, in a “proper” year much more than half of the annual rainfall arrives in June-July-August, when the weather is relatively cool.

In December-January-February it is “normally” very hot, and rain falls hardly at all.

Very few watercourses flow “permanently”; to label more than a few of them as “rivers” is to indulge in flattery…or wishful thinking.

There are, however, many modest, so-called “winter creeks”.

In many years, flowering plants and grasses “get cracking”, to take advantage of  the “window” when such a creek is no longer flowing, but its bed is still damp-ish, and the weather is not yet ferociously hot.

The featured image is a “window” into that very “window”.

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October 30 2023: Darling Range flora, “up close” (#6 in series)



This post’s heroes belong to the genus Stylidium.

They are generally known as “trigger plants”.

Almost all of the circa 300 trigger plant species call Australia home, exclusively; Stylidium is this country’s fifth-largest flora genus.

Around half of them are endemic to Australia’s “wild west”; the majority of those species occur only in specific parts of WA’s southwest.

On a warm day some species are much faster “on the draw” than ever was Wyatt Earp…or any other gunslinger in America’s “Wild West”.

The fastest Stylidium “trigger” can complete its “attack” on an insect in as little as 15 milliseconds.

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