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Category: photographs

European surprises (#6 in single-image teaser series: coffee as insect repellant…in a Sicilian goat dairy)



This post’s subtitle reads like it had been written by Spike Milligan for The Goon Show.

Its every word, however, is literally true.

Most humans – even those who do not like to drink coffee – enjoy coffee aromas.

Most insects detest them.

As an insect repellent, coffee is most effectively deployed, as illustrated – as an “incense”, most especially when the igniting flame is applied to unused coffee grounds.

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European surprises (#5 in single-image teaser series: oligarch-infested waters)



If you are looking for two-legged “sharks”, success is guaranteed in Capri – onshore and offshore.

Oligarchs’ “yachts” abound in its fabled, azure waters, whilst the island-proper is a case study in over-priced-everything, far too many tourists, and strikingly inadequate/inept infrastructure.

Narcissism, greed, rank opportunism and inanity are inescapably evident, in every direction.

All that said, Capri’s intrinsic beauty is still apparent.

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European surprises (#4 in single-image teaser series: “white gold” & kitesurfing)


Italy’s largest lagoon is offshore from Trapani, running down to Marsala, on Sicily’s west coast.

”White gold” – salt – has been commercially produced here for literally thousands of years.

As well as its salt-extraction pans, the lagoon has open waters; shallow, flat, and reliably windy, they have become Europe’s premier destination for exponents of a sport/activity that only began in the last quarter of the 20th century.

The lagoon is also a globally significant waterbird refuge; a substantial chunk of it is RAMSAR- listed, and protected by the WWF since 1996.

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European surprises (#2 in single-image teaser series: archeology, Italian-style)


Smaller but wealthier than Pompeii, Herculaneum suffered the same fate: “destroyed” by the 79 AD eruption of Mt Vesuvius.

Whilst the volcano really did extinguish all human life in both places, its ash – which buried them – in fact made them the two best-preserved of all ancient Roman towns.

Their “secrets” are still being uncovered.

In Italy, even working archeologists can display an uncommon amount of “style”/ “attitude”/“flair”.

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European surprises (#1 in single-image teaser series: “normal”, entirely legal sign)


Perchance the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers happened upon the pictured sign, they’d likely have impulse-emigrated to Italy!

After having seen several such signs on the exterior walls of Italian bottle shops, I wondered whether something was being “lost in translation”….

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MacDonnell Ranges (final episode in series: Mt Sonder & surrounds)


As previously noted, Mt Sonder is relatively modest in altitude and bulk, but it is particularly beautiful, especially when the sun is not too high in the sky.

What makes it even more beautiful – and this true of almost every mountain, hill, gorge and creek in and around the MacDonnell Ranges – is the fact that it sits within such beautifully-vegetated country.

Almost anywhere you look, it just gets better and better, the more closely you look.

You should never fail to look closely at all layers of whatever landscape you find yourself within – foreground through to horizon.

If you look at the watercolours painted by this region’s most famous artist, you can see that Albert Namatjira (1902-1959) understood this very well.

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MacDonnell Ranges (#15 in single image series: flowering, Ormiston Gorge)




After taking the photo featured in #14 in this series, my beloved and I decided to scramble our way up to the path that followed a ridge line, rather than retrace our steps along the gorge’s floor

This proved surprisingly easy.

Less than ten minutes later we were heading back to Ormiston HQ, via a well-made pathway that gave us easy access to the lookout from which I took the image featured in this series’ first chapter.

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