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Category: photographs

MacDonnell Ranges (#5 in single-image series: Trephina Gorge)




The Western MacDonnell Ranges enjoy a rather higher public profile than do the Eastern.

Imagine someone who has “just 24 hours in Alice”, insufficient time/inclination to walk very far, and a keen desire to spend the whole day in the MacDonnell Ranges.

I would advise that person to “head west” – that side of the ranges has the most jaw-dropping vistas, the highest mountains, the deepest gorge….

However, you should ensure that you have at least “several days in Alice”, and you really should “head east” as well as west.

Trephina Gorge offers a particularly rewarding combination of beautiful scenery, pretty easy walking, and highly diverse, lovely vegetation.

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MacDonnell Ranges (#4 in single-image series: “ghost” who photosynthesises)

Above,  you are looking at an uncommonly old, very large example of an “iconic” Australian tree: Corymbia aparrerinja, commonly known as ghost gum.

This particular tree, near Trephina Gorge, circa one hour east of Alice Springs, is billed as the largest living ghost gum.

Close by, is a smaller but more elegant ghost gum; the “powdered” hand in #3 of this series was my beloved’s, immediately after she had gently rubbed that tree’s trunk.

For many thousands of years, Central Australia’s first humans have been putting ghost gum bark’s white powder to ceremonial use…

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MacDonnell Ranges (#2 in single image series: west side, landscape)



This post’s photo was taken circa 10 kilometres away from Ormiston Gorge.

The vantage point was just a couple of kilometres north of Glen Helen, and the image looks north-east.

In the foreground you can see the Finke River, which is oft-described as the world’s oldest.

I am pretty sure that the highest mountain you can see (on the horizon’s right hand side) is Mt Giles (1,389 metres ASL) which is on the eastern side of Ormiston Pound; Mt Giles’ peak is the highest point on the Pound’s ramparts.

As you can see, this particular desert country does not fit most urban-dwelling humans’ preconceptions of what deserts are “meant” to look like!

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MacDonnell Ranges (#1 in single image series: beautiful beaches)


This first episode’s headline is neither a mistake, nor ironic.

If you live in or near to Alice Springs, the nearest ocean shore is more than 1,500 kilometres distant; most of Australia’s saltwater beaches are rather more than 2,000 kilometres away.

However, courtesy of the MacDonnell Ranges, which spread hundreds of kilometres east-west-ish from Alice, you have easy access to some very beautiful beaches.

(Alice Springs sits just north of one of the Ranges’ “Gaps”)

A few of those beaches even offer swimming,  in spectacularly located, “permanent” waterholes,

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Shenton Bushland: flowering



On the afternoon of 26 August 2023 Shenton Bushland was already very colourful, although “peak Springtime flowering” was probably still a few weeks away.

None of this post’s flowers are hard to find at this time of year, providing you are in the right kind of place, within southwest Western Australia.

Shenton Bushland is one of several “right kinds of place” that are less than 20 minutes away from Perth’s CBD.

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Donkey, with spider




The “donkey” is an orchid.

The “spider” is an actual spider, on the orchid.

The large orchid is impossible to miss.

However, to enjoy a good look at the tiny spider you should zoom in on/ enlarge the featured image… and then inspect the uppermost part of the donkey orchid.

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Teals, Lake Monger


The pictured birds are teals.

These very common dabbling ducks are no less lovely for being “common”.

Probably, this post’s heroines are grey teals, but they just might be chestnut teals, or hybrids.

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“Bin Chicken” makes a splash



Our local lake never disappoints.

That said, bird-wise, the least interesting time is during Perth’s cooler, rainier months.

Then, migratory birds have all flown north –  some of them, to far-off places in Eurasia.

Other birds spread out across southwestern WA; with water and food generally-available,  they do not need to congregate around “permanent” bodies of water such as Lake Monger.

Still, as today’s & tomorrow’s posts illustrate, at Lake Monger there is always some avian activity to enjoy…

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