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Category: photographs

Kings Park, late August 2023



Perth’s Kings Park is really three parks in one… plus “lookouts”.

The “lookouts” offer sweeping views from the rim of the scarp on Kings Park’s eastern and southern sides.

Looking east, they flatter the adjacent CBD, and look across the Swan Coastal Plain to the Darling Scarp.

Looking south, they show the full splendour of the Swan-Canning estuary, around which Perth’s wealthier suburbs sit.

If you walk (or catch a free bus) from the CBD – or West Perth – into Kings Park, the loveliness of its manicured, “picnic-friendly”, well-treed, grassed parkland is immediately obvious, as you can see in the featured image, above.

Every pleasant, sunny weekend, thousands of people take advantage of Kings Park’s generous supply of that kind of parkland.

However, what makes Kings Park so very special are its two other kinds of “park”:  a superb botanical garden (which showcases WA’s extraordinary flora, conducts internationally significant research, and provides useful information to the general public) and its astonishingly expansive, essentially “natural” bush/woodland section.

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The Quality of Sprawl: flower power/ word power



The moment I saw this exuberantly “bird-ready” example of Western Australia’s floral emblem, I suddenly remembered one of my favourite Australian poems.

Les Murray (1938 – 2019) never became a Nobel Laureate.

Depending on my mood, I find that fact “puzzling” (at his best, Murray was so very obviously – for much of his adult life – one of the greater 20th century poets) or “utterly predictable”. (his verse was so overtly Australian, and his views were not always “palatable”)

The Quality of Sprawl’s opening verse:


Sprawl is the quality

of the man who cut down his Rolls-Royce

into a farm utility truck, and sprawl

is what the company lacked when it made repeated efforts

to buy the vehicle back and repair its image.

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Wedge-tail, Flinders Ranges, June 2023


The wedge-tailed eagle is Australia’s largest raptor.

It is one of the world’s largest raptors, and is almost certainly the most abundant of any of the world’s big eagles.

Wedge-tails range across almost all of Australia.

They are, however, very “difficult”, photographically speaking.

Until the fifth afternoon of June 2023 I had never taken a “successful” photo of an airborne wedge-tail.

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Quirky moments (#20, final in series: “je ne sais quoi”)



Certain moments/circumstances – and/or an image which “captures” one of them, without seeking to “manipulate” it – have a “waking dream” quality.

That quality is hugely dependent on how the particular observer responds to the particular moment or image.

Certainly, however, a “waking dream” moment or image does not require the obvious presence of “conflict”, “high drama”, “hilarity”, “tragedy” or “somebody famous/infamous”.

To me, this post’s image captures a “waking dream” circumstance, but another pair of equally “perceptive” eyes could find “nothing special to see, here”.

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Quirky moments (#19 in series: Indian pond heron)


Most human observers cannot accurately “read” a bird’s face.

So, the “quirkiness” of a particular bird species – or the “quirkiness” of a particular bird’s appearance/demeanour at a particular moment – is usually all about human perception/misperception.

Typically, it has little or no informed connection to the bird’s actual nature/intent/emotional state.

That said, to this human observer at least, the pictured individual looked marvellously quirky at 6.29 pm on 20 February 2023.

Both of us were on the shoreline of India’s longest lake, shortly before darkness fell.

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Quirky moments (#18 in series: up on the roof)


As you can see, the featured image shows a young primate, looking very relaxed, on a rooftop.

Obviously, the pictured individual was well aware of my (very close) presence.

At the time – 9.26 am on 28 February 2023 – the relevant two species had a couple of dozen mutually-visible members present, in a village near Coonoor in the Nilgiri Hills, south India.

Yours truly belongs to the world’s most abundant primate species.

My photo’s subject is a wild member of one of the rarest, most endangered primate species.

Its rapidly-vanishing natural rainforest habitat is confined to small, scattered locations in India’s Western Ghats.

Allegedly, that species’ members are elusive creatures (who) usually occupy the tallest, shadowy rainforest canopies, far from human sight.

However much I loved my experience of the “endearing moment” pictured above, it was in fact a moment that should never happen – a symptom of how very desperate has become the plight of Macaca silenus, the lion-tailed macacque.

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