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Category: music

The greatest percussionist, period? Vale Zakir Hussain (1951-2024)


I do not believe in the notion that any single player/composer/writer/whatever kind of artist is – or ever was the best.

That said, Zakir Hussain was undoubtedly the most influential, most eclectically-inclined, and most ubiquitous hand-drummer/percussionist in human history.

(Jim McGuire took the photo of him)

Zakir Hussain died on Monday, in his adoptive home city of San Francisco.

He was born 73 years earlier,  in what was then Bombay, now Mumbai.

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Grand sands (#6 in series: questions, with musical bonus)



Q #1: what is the pictured jellyfish-like fragment from a (presumably) recently-deceased marine creature?

A: I do not know.

Q #2: upon what has it “washed up”, in very shallow water?

A: sand, obviously.

(on Lights Beach, at eastern end of William Bay National Park, on Western Australia’s south coast)

Bigger question: what is sand, exactly?

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“Jewel in the crown of Kashmir” (final chapter, with musical bonus)




I took the photo at 8.54 pm on 04 May 2024.

At that time my vantage point – an entertainment barge – was loud and lively, as the preceding several posts have illustrated.

However, if one looked out across the waters of Dal Lake – and up to the ridge overlooking its southern shore – the scene appeared utterly serene, unruffled, “silent”.

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Vale Toumani Diabate

On 19 July the world lost one of its most eloquent instrumentalists..

Malian kora virtuoso Toumani Diabate was 58; he died after a short illness.

He was not the only great kora player, but he was, unquestionably, the kora’s most prominent and most influential exponent; Toumani Diabate turned it into a “concert” instrument.

At age 22 he recorded Kaira – the world’s first absolutely solo kora album.

(oft-misdescribed as an African “harp”, the kora is in fact a harp-lute)

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Triple K “expedition” (#31 in teaser series: Karakoram mountain meadows + musical bonus & concert tour alert)



This post’s image does not at all resemble #30’s shot of a “Silk Road” remnant.

Its vantage point, however, was only a few footsteps distant from #30’s; #31’s photo was taken less than a minute later, from the same side of the Karakoram Highway, whilst en route from Gilgit to the Hunza Valley.

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Triple K “expedition” (#11 in teaser series: massive inflation in Amritsar + musical bonus)



Amritsar’s Golden Temple complex is refreshingly non-commercial; even its suitably-huge toilets are free. (and meticulously maintained)

All nearby streets are another matter, entirely; shops abound.

Rents for commercial premises are reportedly among India’s highest,

However, a lot of commercial activity does not benefit landlords – it is “informal”, “al fresco”, conducted on the actual streets.

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