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Category: songs, in English

Flight, Coorong National Park: gulls (with musical bonus)


When an Australian thinks of seagulls, the relevant species is almost certainly our most common, emblematic one.

Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae – the Silver gullhas prospered mightily, post-1788.

Arguably, this highly-adaptable bird should no longer be described as a “seagull”.

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Revelatory Covers (#21 in series – special bumper edition)

This post includes my favourite cover of a wistful, very famous Johnny Cash song, and a singular version of a less famous, more urgent song, authored by Stuart Adamson.

Both are “live” performances.

Darrell Scott is their American singer-guitarist, Danny Thompson their English double bassist.

And that’s not all…

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Revelatory covers (#20 in series): “I’ll Be Seeing You”, sans words, but really singing…

Arguably the quintessential nostalgic song, I’ll Be Seeing You was composed in 1938. (music by Sammy Fain, words by Irving Kahal)

That year it was inserted into a Broadway musical…which flopped.

The song, however, became a “standard”, covered by countless singers…and not a few instrumentalists.

It was a #1 hit for Bing Crosby in 1944.

Frank Sinatra recorded it more than once.

Even Eric Clapton did so, in 2016.

The most celebrated recording – Billie Holiday’s 1944 version – is the one which reached Mars in 2018, as the conclusion to NASA’s final transmission to its Explorer rover.

However, the most “out of this world” version to reach this Earthling’s ears is a “live” and exploratory instrumental trio treatment, delivered in “the city of fallen angels”, in June 2016.

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Revelatory Covers (#17 in series): “When You Come Back Down”

(the “metaphorical” featured image shows climbers on what many believe to be the world’s tallest sheer rock-face…it isn’t)

This very poignant song was written a quarter of a century ago.

Its co-authors, separately, have recorded it, but the most celebrated version is a “cover”, issued 20 years ago.

None of those recordings quite “nailed” it, I think.

As of February 21, 2021, there is a “definitive” version, performed “live”…

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Revelatory covers (#16 in series): Rhiannon Giddens sings “Calling Me Home”

If the almost-titlepiece of Rhiannon Giddens’ new album were new to your ears, you would probably assume it was a venerable “traditional” song, probably from Appalachia.

Listeners who already knew many traditional Appalachian songs would likely be mightily surprised that they could have hitherto missed such a superb, particularly haunting one.

In fact, Calling Me Home was authored by Alice Gerard; it was titlepiece of her 2002 album, issued in the year of her 68th birthday. (An even better album is Follow the Music, which Alice Gerrard recorded – mostly “live” – in her 80th year)

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Ugly beauty: “Forest Motors” (# 89 in “a shining moment” series)

A big, rusting surprise was just one minute’s walk away from the house in which we recently spent sixteen nights – on a forested hill near Youngs Siding, in Western Australia’s Deep South.

This post’s musical complement: a singular treatment of an apropos Thelonious  Monk number, plus the most tender song ever written about a car salesman….

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