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Category: songs, in English

Aussie “icon”/ “outcast” achieves lift-off

Our hero lost his “sacred” status when his Australian-ness was recognised!

As is true of many birds, Threskiornis molucca – the Australian white ibis – is wonderfully elegant when high in the sky, but rather less so when on terra firma, or in the process of becoming airborne.

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October Song (#86 in “a shining moment” series)

I took the photo on a glorious autumn morning almost exactly one year ago – 10.26 am, 29 October 2019, Labahe, Sichuan, China.

In Scotland, more than half a century earlier, Robin Williamson wrote my favourite autumn song.

Allegedly, October Song was the first song he ever wrote, as a teenager.

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Happiness, joy, contentment…(#73 In “a shining moment series”)


It is a great pleasure to encounter a non-gloating, happy person – one who appears comfortable in their own skin, who requires “no particular reason” to be happy, who radiates contentment, is fully alive, and not “on guard”.

Such encounters do not require a common language, nor any words to be spoken.

Typically, no commercial transaction is involved, no contest, no “big event”…

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Ocean beach on a benign day (#68 in “a shining moment” series)


Near the northern tip of New Zealand’s North Island is the so-called Ninety Mile Beach”.

It is no less magnificent for its actual length –  “only” 88 kilometres.

Musically, today offers a sublime, spacious, shore-inspired instrumental solo, plus an also-spare song which depicts a lovely state of mind:

lost in a seagull’s flight

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