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Category: ‘western’ musics

Fresh produce (#52 in “a shining moment” series)


The featured image (copyright Doug Spencer) shows produce being sold on the footpath in the “old city” quarter of Jaipur, Rajasthan, on 07 February 2020.

This post has two very different songs.

Neither is new, but each is fresh.

Both vividly remember the calls of actual produce sellers, but the second song is really about something that money cannot buy.

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Weeping, in the middle of the road (#50 in “a shining moment” series)


Literally speaking, the middle of the road is usually dangerous, and soulless.

Metaphorically speaking, “M.O.R” signifies music, visual art or literature that is bland, dull, pedestrian.

This post’s actual middle of a road is, however, “safe” only in the desirable sense, and its musical content is highly creative, very playful.

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Bottoms up (#44 in “a shining moment” series)


Long, prominent tail feathers are a key feature of Anas acuta, the northern pintail.

This handsome, migratory, large dabbling duck really gets around.

The pictured individuals were wintering in Rajasthan, before heading north to their breeding grounds in central or northern Asia, or Europe.

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“Gum Trees” & Fire (#37 in “a shining moment” series)


Ever wondered why “gum trees” were so named?

The answer will face your stare, if you examine this post’s image!

It shows a Eucalypt, in the aftermath of the most recent of probably many fires which this tree had survived, very near to the Australian continent’s southernmost point.

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