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Category: ‘western’ musics

Music review: Three Cane Whale & Daniel Herskedal

You could describe the British trio’s music as “chamber-folk”, the Norwegian tuba virtuoso’s as “chamber-jazz”.

I am wary of hyphenated “chamber” musics; recordings so-described oft prove anaemic, twee, wannabe.

No such problem here:  two very different ensembles have each created something singular, beautiful, with spine.

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Revelatory covers (4th in series): “My One and Only Love”

This “iconic” ballad began life as Music from Beyond the Moon – a 1947 flop. Retitled in 1952, it became famous in 1953, thanks to Frank Sinatra. The “iconic” version was sung in 1963 by Johnny Hartman on John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman. However, the loveliest version is an instrumental duet, recorded in 1989. One man – not ‘Trane, not Hartman – was common to both recordings.

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