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Category: miscellaneous

Namib Desert’s northwest (#3 in series: atop its edge “2”)



Our vantage point and the time/date were essentially “as per immediately-preceding post”, but instead of looking due west, to the Atlantic, this post has heads and camera turned in other directions.

To our east, south and north, the view was almost 100% “dunescape”.

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Aspects of Etna (#14 in series: Etna’s cableway)



Construction of a cableway on Mount Etna began in the 1950s.

The first version began operations in 1966.

Etna first  “intervened” in 1971, destroying the cableway’s upper section.

Various other eruptions have since wreaked varying degrees of destruction, resulting in repeated closures, rebuilds and realignments.

Since the spring of 2023, the cableway and its (new) cable cars have been as they appear in my photo.

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October 30 2023: Darling Range flora, “up close” (#14 in series, with musical bonus & Australian tour alert)




One of the nigh-infinite pleasures of walking in southwestern Australian forest/woodland/bush:

once “attuned”, you begin to notice that the “forest floor” – when viewed at or near ground level, up close – often looks like a multi-layered, uncommonly-colourful “forest”, in its own right.

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“Gunslinging” flora inspire a musical “interval”

This little interruption to the current “Darling Range flora” series comes to you via the trigger plants having accidentally made me think fondly of the most celebrated theme ever written for a “Western”.

The relevant film was a so-called “spaghetti western”.

Almost certainly, you have heard its theme, but you have probably not heard what John Zorn did to it in 1987.

To put it mildly, the highly creative Mr Zorn greatly admired Ennio Morricone’s “original”, but he was not the least intimidated by it!

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