Also graceless, this attempt to get airborne was a success. With luck, the lookalike will prove less successful!
One CommentCategory: word power
To which Tony Schwartz responds:
I fully expected him to attack me, because that is what he does…But I’m much more worried about his becoming president than I am about anything he might try to do to me.
Comments closedI put lipstick on a pig. I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is. I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilisation…
Comments closedWe all know what “getting our country back” means. It’s snorting a line of the most pernicious and debilitating Little English drug, nostalgia. The warm, crumbly, honey-coloured, collective “yesterday” with its fond belief that everything was better back then, that Britain (England, really) is a worse place now than it was at some foggy point in the past where we achieved peak Blighty.
Comments closedIn the vacuous expanse that is Australian policy debate, building defence vessels creates jobs while building hospitals creates debt.
Comments closedTradition is the passing on of the fire, not the worship of the ashes.
Comments closed
I wake up every mornin’ Lord and what do I see
I got a fool in my mirror and he’s lyin’ to me
….and a cold-hearted hypocrite gets his come-uppance. With poetic justice, this master of cover-up goes “viral”, thanks to his attempt to censor. (and – as just updated, at bottom of post – he’s since had a second, more substantive come-uppance)
Pelicans first…
One CommentYou would think by now policymakers would know that anything is better than running latter-day gulags in crumbling nooks of the Pacific.
One CommentRavishing cinnamon skin all aglow.
You’d never know it’s a faulty body
It’s hot and bossy.
On it goes, though it knows the bow’s drawn.