An obsession with celebrity does not lie quietly beside the other things we value; it takes their place.
One CommentNatural splendour, real musics, wines, wordpower
An obsession with celebrity does not lie quietly beside the other things we value; it takes their place.
One CommentWhat elephants may be lacking most of all is not language but the Rosetta Stone to prove they have it and clue us in to what on God’s green earth they’re talking about all the time…. They have a vocal range of ten octaves (a piano has seven), and up to three-quarters of the sounds they produce are inaudible to human ears.
2 CommentsPolitics has a way of reducing everyone, including the most brilliant – especially the most brilliant.
Comments closedWhen someone next to you answers the phone and starts talking loudly as if you didn’t exist, you realize that, in her private zone, you don’t. And slowly, the whole concept of a public space — where we meet and engage and learn from our fellow citizens — evaporates.
Comments closedThe teachers do their rounds
And they are mostly kind, you know.
But the language ain’t the same.
They cut my hair and changed my name.
Comments closedMany years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.
One CommentTo most West Australians it is “Rotto” – their very own, magical, holiday island, “overseas”, at home…within eyesight of Perth.
To indigenous West Australians it is Wadjemup – a place of exile, imprisonment, premature death. The island’s 19th & early 20th century history is more monumentally unjust & tragic than Alcatraz’s.
4 CommentsAlso graceless, this attempt to get airborne was a success. With luck, the lookalike will prove less successful!
One CommentTo which Tony Schwartz responds:
I fully expected him to attack me, because that is what he does…But I’m much more worried about his becoming president than I am about anything he might try to do to me.
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