No “glamorous” or “exotic” destination – photos taken within one 15 minute period, within 15 minutes easy walk of our inner suburban home.
In 2020 West Australians have had it very much easier than have most other humans, even most other Australians.
Still, the kind of beauty pictured here remains easily accessible to just about any able bodied Australian.
Simply take a walk during “golden hour” – when the sun is within an hour or so of sunrise or sunset!
The featured Bottlebrush was backlit by the sun’s very last directly-available rays, at 6.07 pm on 13 October 2020.
6.08 pm would have been far too late; at this time of day, lightwise, inner suburban verges and parks offer rapidly-shifting “microclimates”…one moment, a particular bloom, leaf, trunk or branch is suddenly aglow…the next, it is dull, shaded, almost monochrome.
The bottlebrush grows on the West Leederville side of the tracks, near the eastern end of the train station.
This post’s other photos were all taken just a few minutes earlier, on the Subiaco side of the tracks, in Mueller Park.
For maximum bark-induced pleasure, I suggest you zoom in/enlarge…

The final image was in part accidental, it captures the precise moment when the sinking sun was forsaking these leaves.