16.12.2017 was a pleasant South Australian summer day.
At dusk, the sky over Aldinga Bay foreshadowed today’s unpleasantly hot weather.
When I downloaded this image, the cybergods surprised me, twice.
Two images that had failed to download when new – in 2016 and 2015 – “magically” appeared last night.

In tropical Western Australia, one March morning in 2016, my beloved and I landed on Hidden Island’s Silica Beach.
In the Buccaneer Archipelago in Yampi Sound, it is the Kimberley’s only such white beach.
Its sands squeak as you walk.
The Kimberley has the world’s greatest tropical wilderness coast.
Last night the cybergods also unexpectedly “released” a photo I took on April 19, 2015, when my beloved and I were driving alongside the shore of New Zealand’s longest lake.
In 2018 Pelican Yoga will publish several new “Kimberley Coast” posts, and a number of New Zealand ones.

Thank you and love you, dear friends. I will never think of pelicans in the same way. So happy to be with you – and look forward to many, many future pelican yoga discussions – and always, the music and wine. For without sight, there still remains true friends, music, food and wine. Bless you gorgeous friends. xx
ps Your ‘beloved’ is a cool person. An amazing partnership . Well done to you both. Love you always. Keep safe and healthy, and kind to each other, as you are.