If you are “new” to Anvil Beach, it would be a good idea – before you proceed further – to see/read its earlier post
This one is the fruit of a visit/swim (my beloved did all of the swimming) at the end of an unusually hot day.
The featured image, taken at 6.03 pm on 18 March 2021, shows Anvil Beach’s “anvil”.
All photos were taken from the reef-sheltered portion of Anvil Beach.
As you can see – even on such a particularly calm day – the other, non-sheltered portion of Anvil Beach (west of its “anvil”) cops the Southern Ocean’s full force, and its waters are very, very dangerous…do not swim there.
However, east of the “anvil”, and of the rocky headland behind it, is one of Australia’s more magical, safe swimming/ bathing spots.
(the headland has a “notch”, over which any able-bodied human can walk/scramble, safely)

Over quite some years of visits to Anvil Beach, we had never before seen such a relatively “flat” sea,
Even so, the “champagne” did sometimes flow, as wakes broke over – and bubbled through – Anvil Beach’s honeycombed reef.

Some other day, when the light is “right’, I hope to stand on the carpark’s clifftop edge – looking straight across Anvil Beach’s open-to-the-ocean section – and photograph the kind of jaw-droppingly “perfect”, huge waves which so excited the aforementioned surfer-dude.
Meanwhile, this “flat” day was also perfect.

Stunning photos, Doug. Wow!