Season’s greetings from Pelican Yoga.
The photographed bottoms were raised in pursuit of pipis…
Pipis – Goolwa Cockles – used to be regarded as “bait” by most South Australians.
However, in recent years many South Australians have “discovered” a truth which these shores’ indigenous humans had discovered many thousands of years earlier: pipis are delicious.
This has created its own set of problems and opportunities.
Goolwa’s Ocean Beach (pictured below) is a splendid place, on which sits one of our favourite lunch venues; it offers zero pretence, genuinely fresh seafood (if you like Coorong Mullet and/or Mulloway, chances are excellent that one or both will be among the daily “specials”) and freely-flowing air – especially if you sit outdoors with no barrier between you and the Southern Ocean.
Nearby are the mouth of Australia’s most crucial river system and the Coorong; both are magnificent, but in poor health and facing a probably-bleak future.