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Coorong, autumn 2024 (#13 in series: pelicans, aloft)


On 13 March 2024 there were enormous numbers of pelicans and cormorants in the Coorong’s north lagoon.

In the middle of the day, roosting was not yet on any birds’ agenda, so  “flying high” was likely to be undertaken by pelicans and raptors, only.

i never tire of watching pelicans…



Pelicans above Coorong’s north lagoon & Younghusband Peninsula, 1. 01 pm, 13 March 2024. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer.




When a cormorant “lifts off”, he or she is likely to trigger “take off” by all nearby fellows.

Pelicans, by contrast, are more likely to take to the air, individually, or in small numbers at any one time.




Pelicans above Coorong’s north lagoon & Younghusband Peninsula, 1. 01 pm, 13 March 2024. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer

Published in Australia (not WA) nature and travel photographs


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