Whilst much the huger number of pelicans favoured the Coorong’s north lagoon on 13 March 2024, a handful of them preferred to fish in and around the Murray’s mouth.
At 3.32 pm we were still in the Coorong-proper; as we passed the river mouth, we were able to look across to the Southern Ocean’s edge.
Presumably, the pictured pelicans – like the seals that congregate on and around the Goolwa Barrage – were there to “hoover up” some of the probably-stunned freshwater fish that’d just been “flushed” out.

Twenty minutes later we’d reach the Goolwa Barrage’s lock, and then be circa 15 minutes away from our return to Goolwa.
Nowadays Goolwa is a sleepy “tourist”/“historic” town.
Briefly, in the 19th century, it was Australia’s biggest river port, and one of Australia’s major ports, period.