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Coorong, autumn 2024 (#7 in series: abundance, yoga)


After our stroll to & from the ocean beach side of the Younghusband Peninsula, “our” boat headed further south along the Coorong’s north lagoon.

It became progressively more apparent that we were visiting during “boom” time.

Long before Europeans turned up and messed up the entire Murray-Darling system – not least, its “lower lakes” and the Coorong – “boom” and “bust” was already a very familiar cycle, as was true of non-rainforest Australia, generally.

For many thousands of years, huge fluctuations in populations of fish, birds and terrestrial animals have been “the norm” in most Australian rivers, lakes and wetlands.

Pictured above are teals, cormorants and pelicans; one pelican is doing some “pelican yoga”.

(photo ©️ Doug Spencer, taken at 12.37 pm on 13 March 2024)

Published in Australia (not WA) nature and travel photographs


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