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Coorong, autumn 2024 (#9 in series: promenade/runway)



This post’s two photos were taken within thirty seconds of each other.

Promenading pelicans sometimes resemble corpulent “captains of industry” at a “prestigious”, corporate “backslapping”,”bonding” or “charitable” event…or attendees at a political party’s “pay for access”  fundraiser.

Moments later the relevant sandbar/mudbank in the Coorong’s north lagoon had become a runway.

It lacked a “control tower”, but the pelican airport’s well-ordered customers were the very  model of “self-regulation”.



Preparing for take-off, Coorong, 12.43 pm, 13 March 2024. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer.



Published in Australia (not WA) nature and travel photographs

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