Homo sapiens is not the only species which includes a small number of lucky individuals who have “discovered” the “secret” beach, just east of Anvil Beach.
Another mammal also swims and fishes there.
It is safe to assume that Arctocephalus forsteri is the more successful fisher of the pictured, reef-sheltered waters.
Once, misleadingly, known as the “New Zealand fur seal”, this species is present across much of southern Australia’s marine habitat.
The “correct” common name: “long-nosed fur seal”.
Had we reached the “secret” beach just a little earlier, you could now have been looking at a more exciting photo!
Earlier-arrivers had enjoyed watching the pictured individual catch a number of fish, some of which were tossed into the air, immediately before they were munched.
Click here to discover how to reach Anvil Beach, and the (very much safer) “secret” beach.
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