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European surprises (#15 in single-image teaser series: ape-man in Sicily?)


As the featured image “clearly shows”, when in Palermo, ape-men enjoy exclusive use of special, clearly-signposted, simian-friendly taxis.

The photo (copyright Doug Spencer, taken in Sicily’s capital city at 12.32 pm on 23 September 2023) has not been “doctored” – it contains no “fake news”.

“Ape” is a two syllable Italian word.

It is Italian for “bee”.

You are looking at the taxi version of a three-wheeled, light commercial vehicle, adapted from the Vespa scooter.

”Vespa” is Italian for “wasp”.

The Piaggio Ape was initially marketed as a VespaCar or TriVespa.

From 1948 to 2013,  Piaggo – Vespa’s parent company – continuously produced millions of Apes, in many different versions.

Italian production ceased in 2013, but many Apes still scoot along Italian streets.

Since 2013, most new/ish Apes have been manufactured in India;  in Asia, Apes and Ape-like vehicles are a familiar sight. You would likely know them as auto rickshaws or Tuk Tuks.

Click here for more.

Palermo bills itself as the most-invaded city on earth; it will receive more attention in future, multi-image posts

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs