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“From behind” (#4 in single-image series: a Madagascan gecko)




Most gecko species are nocturnal.

The 50+ known species in the genus Phelsuma are an exception, as per their common name: day geckos.

If you are lucky enough to see a day gecko, you will be able to see it under natural light.

For most of these mostly very colourful species, if you wish to see them in the wild, you will have to visit Madagascar…

Given geckos’ characteristic behaviour, unless you are looking at one from/through the other side of a transparent vertical structure, yours will be a “from behind” view.

If the day gecko’s very grippy feet are attached to a brightly painted wall, this circumstance is more “opportunity” than “problem”!

Photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken at 12.08 pm on 14 May 2018 in Madagascar’s Ranomafana National Park.

I do not know the relevant species/subspecies, but I can tell you that if lemurs and/or lizards particularly interest you, Ranomafana would almost certainly provide you a deal of delight…and amazement…and sorrow.

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs