All photos in this post were taken late May/early June 2015 in Alaska’s Glacier Bay National Park.
These Arctic Terns were perched on little bergs calved off the Margerie Glacier

Thanks primarily to Johnny Mercer – expressing his love for/infatuation with Judy Garland in his lyric for Skylark – I have countless times enjoyed the expression “crazy as a loon”.
The song (with an immortal melody by Hoagy Carmichael) was published in 1941.
As you can discover here, the expression “crazy as a loon” has been uttered for many generations.
I first saw an actual loon in 2015.

Glacier Bay also provided my first sightings of the other birds in this post.

Future Glacier Bay posts will address its mammals, flora, intertidal zone…and its glaciers and mountains.
And before any of those posts, Pelican Yoga will visit a singular fiord in New Zealand and a very rare forest in Western Australia…and review some delicious wine and music.