Anvil Beach sits at the end of the Nullaki Peninsula, just east of where Irwin Inlet (sometimes) meets Southern Ocean.
It is one of the more “choice” of many wild and wonderful beaches on Western Australia’s south coast.
The proverbial crow – flying in from Denmark, not many kilometres distant, to the northwest – could reach Anvil Beach in just a few minutes.
A human has to travel many more kilometres, some of them along a private (but “open”) road.
Anvil Beach thus enjoys a low profile.
Not many people even know of it.
From a swimming point of view, it is highly dangerous – you should not leap into Anvil Beach’s very “inviting” waters.
However, if you carefully scramble your way over (or around) the headland at its eastern end, you will very probably enjoy sole access to a superb – and safe – swimming spot.
The pictured location is sheltered by a highly porous reef.
When tides and swell are “just right”, the sheltered water becomes effervescent; those who frolic in it feel very much like they are bathing in Champagne…freshly uncorked!
Very late on the afternoon of 18 March 2021, the tide was a bit too low, so the “Champagne” was flat.
As always, the location – a “nameless” one, to my knowledge – was still lovely.

As this post’s photos also show, the ocean constantly-shifts a lot of sand, even in such a sheltered spot.

Click here to see & learn more about Anvil Beach and other gems, nearby.
The next chapter in this series’ “wet sand” section will feature an altogether more “suburban” strand.