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Grand sands (#41 in series: dunes, devouring forest & wetlands)


20 kilometres southwest of Pemberton, in southwestern WA’s “Karri country”, the Yeagarup Dunes cover circa 30 square kilometres.

They are the Southern Hemisphere’s largest mobile, land-locked dune system.

The Yeagarup Dunes are currently advancing inland at circa 4 metres per year.

This post’s photos were taken from the top of their “hungry” edge, on 27 October 2016.




Looking down from the advancing edge of the “forest-eating” Yeagarup Dunes, 4. 05 pm, 27 October, 2016. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer.



Fit individuals with a 2WD vehicle can drive it to Yeagarup Lake, and then walk into the dunes.

Vehicular access to them is very definitely 4WD-only, and should only be attempted by skilled, sensible, experienced drivers.

i highly recommend the ethical, capable and very knowledgeable local operator with whom we have twice experienced this extraordinary place, along with adjoining forests, estuary, and truly-wild ocean shoreline.

That operator is the publisher of this explanation of the Yeagarup Dunes’ existence.

This series next few chapters will involve some more elevated vantage points.


Published in nature and travel photographs Western Australia


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