Desirable qualities in a beach:
1. A glorious, entirely natural setting, not ruined by “development”.
2: Uncrowded, clean sand.
3: Unpolluted water in which to swim.
4: An abundance of sunshine and shade.
5: A location within two hours’ 2WD driving distance of comfortable accommodation and decent dining.
In this instance, all five qualities are present, notwithstanding the fact that the nearest ocean beach is more than 1,5000 kilometres away.
The delights afforded by Ormiston Gorge’s “permanent” swimming hole and beach are more obviously-evident in the images below.
By (good) road, Ormiston Gorge is 135 kilometres west of Alice Springs.

Be warned: first-time swimmers in Ormiston Gorge will almost certainly find the pictured water very much colder than they had envisaged.
Here, no shark or jellyfish will ever “take” a swimmer, but hypothermia is an actual hazard.

For this series’ next several chapters Pelican Yoga will be airborne.