Obviously, the waters immediately beneath and around a village’s small jetty do not contain the richest of Raja Ampat’s extraordinary reefs.
Inevitably, the boats which come to and go from Marandan Weser will have a negative impact, as will the villagers’ jetty-based recreational activities.
Even so, standing on the jetty’s deck, pointing my camera at the water below….
…I was struck by the clarity of the water, and amazed that the readily-visible marine life was so obviously-abundant, healthy and diverse.
The day was bright.
My lens lacked a polarising filter, which would have enabled my camera to “see” the aforementioned marine life much more vividly/clearly.
Nonetheless, you can still see a whole lot of marine life in this post’s two images.
At first glance, you may think that they contain only a handful of clearly-visible fish…and, alas, one plastic bottle.
That bottle was the only substantial chunk of plastic that I saw in those waters.
If you zoom in on/enlarge the two images, you should easily be able to see more than seventy finned individuals.