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Indonesia, 2024 (#16 in teaser series: “scantily clad” karst coast)


Some of Raja Ampat’s shores have to be seen to be believed…and even then, one could well wonder, “am I dreaming, or did someone spike this morning’s coffee?”

Most of Misool Island is karst, and its coastal edges present a constantly-shifting array of “fantastical” shapes and surfaces.

In some places, much of the surface of the rapidly-eroding/dissolving karst is “naked”, as pictured here.

In others, as you will see in the next post, almost all of it is luxuriantly “clothed”.

(Misool is one of Raja Ampat’s four main islands. Photo is copyright Doug Spencer, taken at 8.47 am on 11 October 2024)


Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs