The mostly-uninhabited islands of the Guraici Archipelago offer something rarely found in north easternmost Indonesia: “white” beaches.
At 9.36 am on 06 October 2024 my feet and those of the pictured, very petite hermit crab shared one such, on an also-tiny island.
A future, multi-image post will show some of the other (crustacean, avian and human) living beings I encountered that morning..
A few minutes were enough for me to “circumnavigate” the entire island on foot.
(a trifling, not-yet-“sealed” wound was causing me no physical discomfort, but it was still keeping me out of the surrounding waters, in which my fellow travellers were all snorkelling)
Indonesia’s northeastern waters – most especially those in Raja Ampat – have some of the world’s finest (least-spoilt, least-crowded, richest in marine life) snorkelling and scuba diving sites.
If you would like to know precisely where is Guraici, click this.