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Indonesia, 2024 (#8 in teaser series: Aduwey village – orchids, clothesline)




As we walked from the jetty to the school in Aduwey village, it was easy to see that most inhabitants were not materially wealthy.

It was also readily apparent that they had self-respect, they enjoyed each other’s company, meticulously maintained their houses and paths, and fully appreciated the natural beauty of their particular part of the world.

My photo looks over a street-facing fence, into one house’s yard, at 9.22 am on 09 October.

i urge you to zoom in on/enlarge the orchids.

A couple of minutes later, we reached the local school.

Our visit provided an astonishingly vibrant, memorable experience – to the visitors and to those we visited.

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs

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  1. Pam G Pam G

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