Indonesia’s enormous number of volcanoes includes many active ones.
Whereas an active volcano’s crater is typically stark, precipitous and raw, its flanks’ appearance is likely to be more varied/variegated, according to where eruptions have – or have not – scorched or gassed them, rained down ash and/or lava rocks/boulders, or sent molten lava flowing…
A single volcano can “author”many different things.
Gorgeous rainforests and prodigiously fertile soils can sit adjacent to “devastated”, seemingly-barren (sometimes, relatively briefly, actually-lifeless) zones.
One stream’s waters may be safe to drink, whilst another’s, nearby, could be highly toxic.
This teaser series’ final episode features what was in fact the last photo I took on Javanese soil in 2024.
56 minutes after this series’ penultimate image, my beloved and I had walked most of the way back down from Ijen’s rim.
At 6.47 am on 24 October, our immediate surrounds were well-wooded and the air was still pleasantly cool.
i was surprised and delighted that this post’s hero did not instantly-vanish when we “appeared”.
He is a little pied flycatcher, Ficedula westermanni. (he is a male)
This species’ very large range extends from the Eastern Himalayan foothills, through much of Southeast Asia.
It prefers exactly the kind of habitat in which we saw it: montane forest.
Eventually, I will publish a number of more substantial posts on Indonesia.
Meanwhile, Pelican Yoga will focus on other nations, including our own.