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“Jewel in the crown of Kashmir” (#6 in series)


If “your” Dal Lake houseboat is in the quieter part of the lake, you almost certainly will “feel the serenity”…at times.

You will also, there, be able to appreciate what still is an intrinsically very beautiful location.

And, before or after breakfast, without having to move beyond “your” boat’s verandah or landing, you are very likely to enjoy nice encounters with local birdlife.

The heron was photographed from the houseboat’s verandah at 8. 27 am on 05 May 2024.

This next three photos were all taken less than half an hour after I took #5 in this series’ photo of the nearby, “supersized” houseboat.

Black kites dominate the skies over Srinagar and its lake.

i was very surprised that kite and crow – at least, when neither was aloft – proved so mutually-untroubled by each other’s presence.



Kite and crow, adjacent to “our” houseboat, Dal Lake, 6.54 am, 06 May 2024. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer




Black kite, adjacent to “our” Dal Lake houseboat, 7.00 am, 06 May 2024. Photo ©️ Doug Spencer.




When this kite took wing, I and my camera’s shutter both proved “too slow” to capture the moment, properly, but even so…




Black kite, adjacent to “our” houseboat, Dal Lake, 7.03 am, 06 May 2024. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer.




Black kite, “patrolling”.  Dal Lake, Srinagar, 08.33 am, 05 May 2024. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer.




Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs


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