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“Jewel in the crown of Kashmir” (#9 in series)



“The Flower Man” billed himself as such on the side of his painted Shikara.

We encountered him repeatedly.



“The Flower Man”, Dal Lake, 8.28 am, 05 May 2024. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer.



”The Flower Man” was softly-spoken, never “pushy”.

He well knew that attractive, well-displayed flowers would “sell themselves”.

The featured image was taken from “our” houseboat’s landing at 6.38 am on 06 May 2024.

Eighteen minutes earlier, when he and we were at Dal Lake’s vegetable market, I had photographed him as he made a sale.



“The Flower Man” & customer, Dal Lake, 6.15 am, 06 May 2024. Photos ©️ Doug Spencer.



The vegetable market – a “floating” one – will get some attention in its own right, a little further into this Dal Lake series.


Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs


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