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Just married, in Amalfi (#1 in series: emerging, triumphant)



On entering the cathedral, we soon realised that we had walked into the latter part of a “big” Italian wedding.

Our presence was not in any way “discouraged”; an interesting event it certainly was, but I thought it would be inappropriate for me to photograph it.

The wedding-proper completed, the newlyweds, their families and friends then walked out into the wider world.

At that point, I thought it would be “socially acceptable” for me to attempt to “capture” the scene. (and it soon became apparent that “strangers” paying non-intrusive attention to their “big day” was enthusiastically welcomed by those directly involved in it)

This post’s photo was taken at 6.16 pm, moments after the obviously-happy couple had walked out of the cathedral-proper, and just before the bride hurled her posy toward the throng gathered on the steps and in the square, below.

The next post’s picture was taken less than sixty seconds later.

Published in Americas and Eurasia and Africa nature and travel photographs


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