All photos taken on morning of December 21, 2018, just a few minutes easy walk away from houses and streets.
Adelaide’s GPO is 50 kilometres away, within one hour’s driving time in non-rush hours.
These kangaroos are wild, not tame; for one of them, it seems, two ears are one too few.

“Three Ears” probably suffered an injury, perhaps in a fight that split the outer part of his left ear.
If so, it must have been long ago; his “third ear” shows no readily apparent scar, and it appears to move independently.
Perhaps he was born that way.
Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park’s numerous ‘roos are Western Grey Kangaroos, aka “stinkers”; more formally, Macropus fuliginosus.

Circa 300 hectares, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park is the only such “large” patch of substantially intact, protected bushland anywhere along/near the more than 60 kilometres of coast between Adelaide and Sellick’s Hill.
This post’s sequel will give you a look at the bush itself, a beetle, and a few birds.