This is a sequel to Berkeley River (1). Again, all photos are my own; I took the above one a few metres from the base of an allegedly “unnamed” waterfall, looking to the clifftops on the river’s opposite side.
The one below was taken just after lunch, when the sun hit the “sweet spot” at the top of the waterfall.

Living things are opportunists, competing, striving.
In softer-seeming, more temperate places a casual observer may not notice this fact.
In a place such as this, the harsher reality is inescapably evident – often spectacularly, beautifully.

Meanwhile – on the rock platform just above the high tide line – a plant was drinking the nearby fall’s spraydrift.

33 of Australia’s 48 listed “wild rivers” are in the Kimberley.
Discover more about the Berkeley and 10 other of the Kimberley’s major rivers here. But be aware that its alleged picture of Lake Argyle is no such thing – the East Kimberley’s big, man-made thing is many times larger than Sydney Harbour.
If you would like to see and learn more about the Kimberley, the book to buy is Victoria Laurie’s The Kimberley: Australia’s Last Great Wilderness.
Love! Thanks for the reading recommendations too.