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“Landscape” view/ much closer view (#17A in series: Fitzgerald River NP)


There is no such thing as “the best place on earth”.

However, there is certainly no better place on earth than Fitzgerald River National Park, if you love unspoilt coastal magnificence, and flowering plants, most especially ones that grow – naturally at least – in only one “place”.

The photo was taken near the Park’s eastern end, whilst standing atop East Mount Barren, looking west.

Pelican Yoga has many posts that look at aspects of Fitzgerald River National Park, and the surrounding region – together, they comprise the Fitzgerald Biosphere.

If you click here, you will have instant access to many of them.

This is one of the world’s singular places, and “behind” its conservation – and the wider world’s gradual awakening to its singularity – is  an extraordinary amount of ongoing, mostly-local, mostly-voluntary effort.

Click here for one “window” into that effort.

And consider that nearby Ravensthorpe (population circa 350) is home to quite probably the world’s finest annual wildflower event; the Ravensthorpe Wildflower Show is much more than just a “Show”.

This post’s “much closer view” sequel will conclude this particular series.

You may have noticed some red flecks in the above “landscape” image…

(photo ©️ Doug Spencer, taken at 10. 34 am on 21 September 2021)

Published in nature and travel photographs Western Australia